The Coronavirus lockdown is a true test of our character, the sustainability of what we had known may not be what we know when we emerge from this time of healing.  All our actions influence us and those around us to enlightenment and progress or will lead us into chaos.  This is a time of inner development or we will exhaust ourselves completely.  We possess within us great power to take this time to pause, honour ourselves and those around us and; our lost and loved ones.

Many of us are in an unusual and new place. I am a mother, a teacher now all in one and both I am new to with no training in either.  It is a responsibility solely on myself.  I have the influence of power to love, to teach my children to trust and seek to me for leadership.  Their dependence look to me for reassurance and I feel the great pull to adhere to a traditional role of being a parent and knowing if I be anything else can end in an emotional disaster.

I write this to share the transcending personal relationship challenges at this time how I bring a balance into my life by constantly reminding myself to be mindful of my shortcomings and they are not an indication of my character that it justifies my attitude.  This is another test to strengthen my own sense of health hand well-being.

My blessings to you and my sincere condolences to those that have lost your loved ones and my thoughts are with you at this time.

Be patient with yourself and others and plan and; plant your seeds because amidst the chaos a time will emerge to execute ideas beyond many of our imagination shall surface.  Great economical and social change is taking place.  We be part of this or be left behind.  Using this time to establish good relationships, implementing good works and establishing social order is a real need at this time. 

I hope this helps those that may be experiencing what is at this time a stifling situation that you can be kind to yourself, and those you love by establishing harmony between yourself and traditional ideals even if you don’t have children.

Keep well and keep safe…

Love Vanessa Emile, Inspired Coaching and Therapy can support you to gain control and well-ness in your life and families.